Thursday, April 23, 2020
6:00 pm EDT - 7:00 pm EDT
Live Streamed
Online Only Event
Have a drink with the CIC!
Specifically, have a saint inspired cocktail curated by Michael Foley-a serious Catholic and mixologist- and author of our best selling book “Drinking with the Saints”.
During this livestreamed YouTube event, Michael will be discussing his newest book, “Drinking with Your Patron Saints: The Sinner’s Guide to Honoring Namesakes and Protectors.” Michael will start by walking you through some of his signature drinks, the identity of which you can find here, so you can find the ingredients and prepare it, followed by a presentation. From there the floor—we mean screen—will be opened up to questions.
You can submit your questions beforehand by emailing Rosemary at, responding to your registration confirmation email, or ask them live via the comment and chat feature on YouTube.
We look forward to sharing a drink with you and discussing how the saints and their inspired cocktails can boost your spirits and spirituality.
Michael P. Foley is the son of an Irish-German father and a French-Canadian mother, so yes, he grew up taking both Catholicism and drinking seriously.
Intention request
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