Tuesday, October 1, 2024
J.W. Marriott
1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004
All 2024 table and seats have sold out. To join the waitlist, complete this form.
The Thirteenth Annual John Paul II New Evangelization Award Gala will take place on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at the JW Marriott Washington, DC.
Recipients of the John Paul II New Evangelization Award demonstrate an exemplary commitment to proclaiming Christ to the world.
The Thomistic Institute is the first institution in the 13-year history of the CIC’s JPII Gala to receive this award. The evening will be an opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary impact of both organizations in promoting Catholic truth in our contemporary world by strengthening spiritual and intellectual formation in universities, in the workplace, in the Church, in our nation’s capital, and in the wider public square.
The award will be received with remarks by:
Rev. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. — Founding Director of the Thomistic Institute; Rector Magnificus, Pontifical University of Saint Thomas (Angelicum) in Rome
Rev. Dominic Legge, O.P. — Director of the Thomistic Institute; Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception

Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024
JW Marriott Washington, DC
1331 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Take the escalators or elevators to the Ballrooms Level.
Schedule (subject to change):
4:15-4:45 pm: Travelers’ Mass held at the Catholic Information Center
4:30 pm: Registration check-in opens at the J.W. Marriott
5:00 pm: New Evangelization and Patron Sponsors’ Meet-and-Greet Concert with the Hillbilly Thomists
6:00 pm: Receptions
7:00 pm: Award dinner and programming
9:00 pm: Afterparty
Dress Code: Black tie optional
Coat Check: Yes, a coat check will be available near the Grand Ballroom
Will the CIC be open on the day of the gala?
Yes, the CIC chapel and bookstore will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (our normal business hours). Daily Mass is at noon with confessions offered before and after.
As of August 26th, all CIC gala table sponsorships and individual seat tickets have sold out.
If you are interested in joining the waitlist, please complete this online form. Should an opening emerge, a CIC staff member will be in contact.
$25,000 — New Evangelization (SOLD OUT)
- Private pre-gala concert and meet-and-greet with the Hillbilly Thomists for 10
- 1 premium table for 10
- 10 tickets to the VIP St. Joseph Society Reception (pre-dinner)
- Full-page, full-color advertisement or acknowledgement in the program*
- Name in the program’s sponsor list*
- Name or organization logo featured on website and at the dinner*
- Verbal recognition at the dinner*
- Private dinner with CIC Director Fr. Charles Trullols
$10,000 — Patron (SOLD OUT)
- Private pre-gala concert and meet-and-greet with the Hillbilly Thomists for 10
- 1 priority table for 10
- 4 tickets to the VIP St. Joseph Society Reception (pre-dinner)
- 6 tickets to the Reception (pre-dinner)
- Half-page, full-color advertisement or acknowledgment in the program*
- Name in the program’s sponsor list*
- Name or organization logo featured on the website and at the dinner*
$5,000 — Guardian (SOLD OUT)
- 1 table for 10
- 2 tickets to the VIP St. Joseph Society Reception (pre-dinner)
- 8 tickets to the Reception (pre-dinner)
- Quarter-page, full-color advertisement or acknowledgement in the program*
- Name in the program’s sponsor list*
- Name or organization logo featured on the website and at the dinner*
$1,500 — Friends (SOLD OUT)
- 2 dinner seat tickets
- 2 tickets to the Reception (pre-dinner)
- Name in the program’s sponsor list*
*Sponsors can be listed as anonymous if preferred.
Questions? Contact the Development Team at development@cicdc.org or 202-738-9112.
SOLD OUT / WAITLIST ONLY as of 8/26/24. Join the waitlist here.
An individual dinner seat ticket is $500.00 with access to the award dinner program and the pre-dinner reception. Limited to five (5) ticket purchases per household.2024 JPII program ad spece
Full-color ads in the JPII Gala’s printed program are available for purchase regardless of the purchase of a sponsorship or individual ticket. Ad purchases are fully tax-deductible.
- Full-Page: $5,000.00
- Half-Page: $2,500.00
- Quarter-Page: $1,000.00
All table sponsorships automatically come with a full-color ads in the printed dinner program. Current sponsors can upgrade their ads’ size with an add-on purchase.
DEADLINE: Orders and the artwork must be sent to the CIC by Wednesday, September 11th.
Contact the CIC Development Team at development@cicdc.org or 202-738-9112 to place your order.
Our room reservation block closed on Wednesday, September 3, 2024.
Valet parking is available at the JW Marriott at $77 per car for the night. The JW’s valet station is located on the corner of 14th and E Streets, NW.
Self-parking is also available at the nearby Freedom Plaza Parking Garage for $45: 560 13th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004.
There are a number of alternative self-parking and valet options in the neighborhood ranging on average at about $25 nightly. Use an app like SpotHero to locate available parking options.
The closest metro station to the JW Marriott is Metro Center (red, orange, blue, and silver lines) — a seven-minute walk to the hotel.
Black tie optional.
Please alert Angelica Tom if you and/or your guests have any food allergies or restrictions at angelica.tom@cicdc.org or call 202-738-9112.
The CIC will send your tax contribution letter a few weeks after the gala once the JW Marriott has informed us of the final per-person cost of goods and services. This amount will be removed from the of your full gala purchase. It is estimated to be about $180-$200 in 2024.
If you have other tax-related questions, email Development Associate Gerard McNair-Lewis at development@cicdc.org or call 202-783-2062 ext. 105.
Contact Director of Programming Angelica Tom at angelica.tom@cicdc.org or 202-738-9112.