Timeless works of Catholic literature to help you learn, live, and love your Faith
The Catholic Information Center bookstore offers a variety of authentically Catholic gifts and reading materials for all ages and walks of life. In keeping with our Catholic Faith all materials we carry are carefully vetted to ensure fidelity to the Magesterium and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Our extensive collection includes the works of renowned authors such as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Josemaria Escriva, G.K. Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc and much, much more!
Our bookstore is currently open from 10:00AM-4:00PM.

Lifetime Reading Plan
One of the Catholic Information Center’s signature offerings is the Lifetime Reading Plan – a selection of books recommended for learning more about and growing deeper in the Catholic faith over a lifetime. While most of the books are for adults, there are some that parents may enjoy reading with their children as they grow up. No matter where one starts in the Lifetime Reading Plan, it points the way to a treasure of books to read over the trajectory of one’s life. And, no matter the age of the child, the Lifetime Reading Plan provides parents with spiritual and intellectual nourishment – which in turn nourishes all who live in the home.

Press your hands to your forehead, and squeeze your eyes shut, and think back to your childhood — not to the vault of lived memories — think back to the things you have read. What is the first book you remember loving? Was it a picture book, the one with brilliant colors and gentle rythms, that your mother read to you (day after day) at nap-time? Was it an adventure story you read cover to cover one summer afternoon, completely oblivious to the world around you.
Perhaps you cannot recall every detail of the plot, or recite passages of it by heart, be it Mother Goose, or The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, but the characters and places are so vivid to your mind that they may as well be sitting here with you, sharing a pot of tea. But, think back and you’ll still feel the jump in your heart at a tragic turn of events; you still laugh at the memory of a silly rhyme; and you can describe exactly how you imagined the bold young hero when you first met him. Such is the power of the books in shaping the mind and imagination of a child. Here at CIC Kids, we seek to highlight some of the best children’s books available — be it a silly board book, a thrilling adventure tale, a richly illustrated saint’s biography, or a well loved classic — thereby helping you cultivate in your children the rich imagination of a fertile and active mind.
Be apart of the CIC book club!
The group meets weekly at the CIC on Thursday from 12:45pm-1:30pm.
Email for more info.
Find what you are looking for!
Whether you are looking for a wedding or confirmation gift, something to help you grow in your faith, a Catholic perspective on a particular issue, or a relaxing, authentically Catholic read the CIC bookstore is the perfect place to be!
We also carry a wide variety of beautiful Catholic Art including:
- Paintings
- Icons
- Crucifixes
- Rosaries
- Medals
- and more!