The Catholic Information Center is committed to making the Catholic Church alive in the hearts and minds of men and women living and working in our nation’s capital. Through a variety of spiritual, intellectual, and professional programs, the CIC offers the tools to live an integrated life and to engage in all areas of human endeavors.
Annual Event Engagements
Annual Daily Mass Attendees
Annual Confessions & Spiritual Direction Appts
Happening at the CIC
Our efforts to make the Catholic Church alive in the hearts and minds of professionals who live and work in the nation’s capital are more robust than ever.

Lecture Series & Book Launches
In-depth discussions with industry experts and academics on contemporary political and social issues and dozens of book launch events for notable Catholic authors from around the country.

Panula Chair in Christian Culture
Mary Eberstadt is the inaugural holder of the Panula Chair in Christian Culture, named in honor of former CIC Director Fr. Arne Panula.

John Paul II New Evangelization Award Dinner
Over 400 friends of the CIC celebrate a thriving Catholic presence in the nation’s capital as the CIC bestows its annual award.

Formation Programs
The CIC partners with other Catholic organizations, think-tanks, and institutes of higher education to provide comprehensive study courses on Catholic faith and culture that draw participants closer to the truths of the Faith.

Panel Discussions
Timely conversations on hot-button issues at the intersection of faith, policy, and culture led by influential thought-leaders.

Spiritual Development
With access to daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, confession, and spiritual development, professionals throughout the DC area supplement their intellectual endeavors and develop a fully-integrated Catholic life.

Closest Tabernacle to the White House
The Chapel of St. Josemaría Escrivá is the closest tabernacle to the White House and provides Catholics engaged in various civic activities with access to Jesus Christ through daily Mass and Eucharistic Adoration.

Fr. Charles Trullols

Fr. Paul Kais
Assistant Chaplain

Mitch Boersma
Executive Vice President

Angelica Tom
Senior Director of Operations

Liz Langan
Director of Development

Kevin Jones
Bookstore Manager

Gerard P. McNair-Lewis
Programming and Development Associate