Join us as Ashley McGuire and Asma Uddin discuss Nostra Aetate! This is part of the CIC Year of Faith Lecture Series, which has been exploring a number of Church documents written during the Second Vatican Council.

Ashley McGuire
Ashley McGuire writes and speaks widely about religious freedom, Catholicism, and women. She has appeared on CNN, CNN International, CBS News, Fox News, PBS, The History Channel, HuffPo Live, ABC/Yahoo News Live, EWTN, and the BBC, and her writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, theWashington Post, First Things, the Weekly Standard, the Claremont Review of Books, and the Huffington Post, among others. She is a frequent contributor to the Washington Post‘s religion blog, On Faith, and to National Review Online.She is a Senior Fellow with The Catholic Association, the founder and editor-in-chief of AltCatholicah, a web magazine devoted to the exploration of faith and gender, a 2011 recipient of the Phillips Foundation Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship, and the first ever Richard John Neuhaus Fellow at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty.She lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband and daughter.

Asma T. Uddin
Asma T. Uddin is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, a web magazine covering topics related to gender in Islam. Her work on Altmuslimah has earned the praise of many, including Sally Quinn of the Washington Post and Dr. Robert George of Princeton University, who has said, “On matters of sexual morality, marriage, and family in Islam, particularly in the American context, I recommend the writings of two exceptionally gifted young Muslim women writers: Suzy Ismail and Asma Uddin.”
Asma is also Legal Counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a non-profit, non-partisan, public interest law firm based in Washington, D.C. She has experience working on both international and domestic religious freedom cases. She spent her first few years at The Becket Fund serving as the primary attorney for Becket’s Legal Training Institute (LTI), which is devoted to working with local partners around the world to train advocates, lawyers, judges, religious leaders, journalists and students in religious freedom law and principles. In that capacity, Asma wrote an amicus brief in support of repeal of the Indonesian Blasphemy Act of 1965. She also traveled throughout Europe and to various countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and South East Asia to research regional issues and provide critical training for minority faith communities as well as politicians, journalists, and human rights organizations. More recently, Asma has taken on a domestic case load, defending religious liberty in the U.S. through several prominent cases at The Becket Fund.
The “door of faith” (Acts 14:27) is always open for us, ushering us into the life of communion with God and offering entry into his Church. It is possible to cross that threshold when the word of God is proclaimed and the heart allows itself to be shaped by transforming grace. – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI