Plan of Life: Habits to Help You Grow Closer To God
This book is a practical approach to re-setting your life following God’s Word and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Learn how people form habits, and how you can form holy habits, habits that will bring you closer to Jesus. It represents a “treasure chest” of practices to help you grow happier, holier, and closer to God every day.
About the Speaker
Father Roger Landry works for the Holy See’s Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations in New York. Ordained a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, in 1999, he is the former pastor of St. Bernadette Parish (2012-2015) in Fall River and of St. Anthony of Padua Parish (2005-2012) in New Bedford, MA, and the former executive editor of The Anchor, the weekly newspaper of the Diocese of Fall River (2005-2012).
Posted on February 5, 2018