Judge Robert J. Conrad Jr.

Judge Robert J. Conrad Jr. is a trial judge, ex-federal prosecutor, former ACC college basketball player, father, grandfather, coach, mentor, teacher, and amateur historian.
In 2007, he was nominated by President George W. Bush to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
In John Fisher and Thomas More: Keeping Their Souls While Losing Their Heads, he examines the lives of John Fisher and Thomas More with a trial lawyer’s love for advocacy, and an Irishman’s love for a well-told story. He brings to life Thomas More and John Fisher’s example of fidelity to a well-formed conscience, vision of eternal life with God, and willingness to die rather than submit to a raw exercise of royal power.
The father of five children and grandfather to ten (at last count), Judge Conrad hopes that the lessons he learned from More and Fisher might resonate with his family and the readers of this work.
Speaker at these events: