Dr. John Grabowski

Dr. John Grabowski is a native of Wisconsin and earned his B.A. in theology at the University of Steubenville and his Ph.D. at Marquette University. For the last twenty-six years he has been on the faculty of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. where he is currently Associate Professor of Moral Theology and the Director of the Moral Theology/Ethics Area. He and his wife were appointed to the Pontifical Council for the Family by Pope Benedict XVI in the fall of 2009 where they served as a member couple. He is also currently serving as a theological advisor to the U.S.C.C.B. Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family, and Youth. In 2015 he was appointed by Pope Francis to serve as an expert (adiutor) at the Synod of Bishops on the Family.

Dr. Grabowski has published widely in the areas of moral theology, marriage, sexuality, and bioethics. His articles have appeared in scholarly journals as Nova et Vetera, The Thomist, The Heythrop Journal, and the National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly as well as popular journals such as America, Commonweal, The Living Light, and Share the Word. His books include Sex and Virtue: An Introduction to Sexual Ethics (CUA Press, 2003), Transformed in Christ: Essays on the Renewal of Moral Theology(Sapientia Press, 2017), One Body: A Program of Marriage Formation for the New Evangelization with Claire Grabowski (Emmaus Road Press, 2018) and A Catechism for Family Life: Insights from Catholic Teaching on Love, Marriage, Sex, and Parenting with Sarah Bartel (CUA Press, 2018. He also wrote the Foreword to the 1997 English edition of Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

Dr. Grabowski has lectured and presented at conferences across the United States and beyond. He and his wife Claire have five children, three grandchildren, and reside in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

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