View the 9:30am Mass livestream on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

We invite you to the CIC’s Second Annual Eucharistic Procession in Our Nation’s Capital on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Spread the word to your family, friends, and parishioners to come for a very special morning of prayer. Please RSVP your interest in attending on the form below (scroll down).
- 9:00 am: Doors open at the CIC (our building’s garage will be open)
- 9:30 am: Mass at the CIC Chapel, with capacity overflow through the CIC and in front of the 1501 K Street building. Mass will be projected onto a large screen outside at 15th and K. Priests will come outdoors to distribute Holy Communion.
- 10:15 am (approx.): Start of Procession
- 12:00 noon (approx.): Conclusion at the CIC
The CIC invites this year’s first communicant children to have a very special role processing in front of and throwing rose petals before the Blessed Sacrament (in their First Communion outfits). Please fill out the RSVP form below if your child would like to take part, and we will be in touch.
Last year on May 20, 2023, the closest tabernacle to the White House got a little closer with 700 souls processing behind Christ’s Real Presence through the streets of downtown Washington. View this video montage of moments from the first CIC Eucharistic procession in 2023:
- The procession will go on rain or shine. So check the weather forecast, and bring your umbrella or sunscreen.
- Dress code: Professional casual to Sunday best.
- Once the internal CIC has reached occupancy capacity, attendee overflow will be outdoors. But do not worry as the Mass will be livestreamed onto a large screen on the street and our priests will come outside and distribute Communion.
- We will have a number of volunteers leading the crowd during the procession. Look for our volunteers wearing bright yellow vests.
- Metropolitan DC Police will be leading us during the procession. Please follow MPD’s and our yellow vested crowd managers’ lead. For your safety, please stay within the most right, single lane of the road. Normal car traffic will be passing on our left.
- The parking garage at the 1501 K Street NW building will open at 7:00 am for a flat rate of $10. The entrance is in the alley that separates our building from the Hilton/CVS next door and connects K and L Streets.
- The closest Metro stations to the CIC are McPherson Square and Farragut North.
- Restrooms:
- While at the CIC, you will be able to use the 1) inside CIC restrooms and 2) be escorted to the CIC’s building’s restrooms in the fitness center. Please approach a yellow vest volunteer stationed in the back of the CIC.
- Three (3) port-a-potties will be stationed outside in the CIC building’s alley way.
- While processing, there are many coffee shops that we will pass.
- Let us pray for your intentions at the May 18th Mass and during the procession. Share your petitions through this private online form.
- A generous donor is donating hundreds of kneeler cushions for attendees to use to kneel at the outdoor altar stations. It will be first come, first served to receive a cushion.
- Another CIC patron and her young daughter have handmade a couple hundred Chaplet of St. Joseph rosaries to give out. First come, first served.
- Low-gluten hosts are available for those with a severe intolerance. Please alert and email Angelica Tom at in advance by Friday, May 17.
- Water and snacks will not be provided.
Here are a few additional scenes from last year:

What is a Eucharistic Procession?
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the whole Christian life. A Eucharistic Procession, therefore, is a public witness of the veneration of the most holy Eucharist, conducted through public streets. It takes place in this way: A consecrated host – that is, the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ: body, blood, soul and divinity – is placed within a monstrance, which is then lifted and carried by a priest who leads the faithful in procession.