Support the CIC’s mission this Lent.
Prayer. Fasting. Almsgiving.

Daily Mass (12pm)
Daily Mass is offered at 12:00pm ET Monday-Friday. During Lent, we are on a spiritual journey to prepare our hearts and to purify our souls so that we are ready to receive God in His glorious coming at Easter. The liturgical message at Mass reminds us of this journey.

Eucharistic Adoration
The CIC invites you to make an appointment with the Lord this Lent. Eucharistic Adoration is offered every weekday after our noon Mass.

Confession (Before and After Mass)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation brings about a change of heart through God’s mercy and forgiveness. Experience the Lord’s compassion through the Sacrament of Penance at the CIC this Lent. Confessions are heard before and after Mass Monday-Friday.
Video Reflections

Share your prayer intentions with us.
Prayer Request

Support the CIC this Lent.
Our nation’s capital is in urgent need of the spiritual and intellectual light that the CIC offers to the city of Washington. 99% of the CIC’s operating budget is covered by charitable contributions, it is not a cliché or polite platitude to say that the CIC cannot fulfill its mission without your help. Will you prayerfully consider helping the CIC with a donation?