CIC’s DC Eucharistic Procession 2023

On Saturday, May 20, 2023 over 700 people walked with Jesus through Washington DC.
This year we held the CIC’s first Eucharistic Procession in our nation’s capital. We began with Mass at the CIC, where we hold the closest tabernacle to the White House. We then brought Christ’s Real Presence onto the streets of our downtown DC neighborhood and passed by Farragut Square, Lafayette Square, and McPherson Square before returning to the CIC. Join us as we continue to pray especially for our country.
In The News
Our Sunday Visitor by Kurt Jensen: “New Eucharistic procession aims to bring Christ into the U.S. capital’s public square”
Arlington Catholic Herald: “Eucharistic procession in downtown DC”
TCA’s Conversations with Consequences podcast with Grazie Christie: “Ep. 211 – Father Trullols and DC’s Eucharistic Procession & the Dobbs Leak One Year Later”
Catholic Connection radio show with Teresa Tomeo (minute 34:45): “Catholic Information Center Hosting First Eucharistic Procession in Downtown Washington, D.C.”