*During our remodeling, the CIC will provide access to daily Mass and Confession in our temporary office space on the second floor of our building at 1501 K Street.*

After 20 years in our 1501 K Street NW location, we have renewed our lease for another 11 years. There have been no major repairs or renovations to our space since we moved in, and many are long overdue. We are also redesigning the space to make the chapel more visible to visitors and to better accommodate our more popular programs. 

We are thrilled to be undertaking this project in order to make the CIC the premier space for Catholics and those interested in the faith to gather downtown. But we need significant resources to complete this project. 

Other Ways to Give

Please make checks payable to the Catholic Information Center. Mail to:

Catholic Information Center
Attn: Angelica Tom
1501 K Street NW, Suite 175
Washington, DC 20005

In the memo line, please write “Building Campaign”

Through Faith Direct you can make all of your contributions to CIC via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card. Select the St. Joseph the Builder Campaign Appeal.

In order for the CIC to help facilitate your gift and provide you with an IRS receipt, contact Angelica Tom at angelica.tom@cicdc.org or 202-783-2062 ext. 103. Transferring securities to the Catholic Information Center allows you to make a gift and receive a charitable deduction equal to the full, fair market value of the securities. You will pay no capital gains on your gift and neither will the CIC.

Did you know you pay no estate taxes on contributions you make to the CIC through your will? A bequest to the CIC can be a gift of a specific dollar amount, publicly traded stocks or securities, or a percentage of your estate. You can also name the CIC as a contingent beneficiary if someone named in your will is no longer living at the time of your passing. A bequest to the Society is easy to arrange and can be made by including the following words in your will.

“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Catholic Information Center, 1501 K St, NW, Frnt 175, Washington, DC 20005, (insert amount of money, publicly traded stocks or securities, or percentage of estate) to be used for its educational purposes.”
A bequest to the CIC may be made in the form of cash or publicly traded stocks or securities. The CIC can also be named as the beneficiary of assets which often pass outside of a will, such as IRAs, pension plans, or life insurance.

For more information please call Angelica Tom at angelica.tom@cicdc.org or 202-783-2062 ext. 103.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 includes new tax incentives for those who are considering charitable donations in tax year 2020. Two of these provisions are highlighted below. Please consult a tax professional to determine their applicability to your personal tax situation. This information is not intended as tax advice.

  • No itemizing necessary for $300 in charitable deductions ($600 for married couples):

This is available to those who take the standard deduction — it is  an “above-the-line” deduction from taxable income for cash gifts to most public charities up to $300 per taxpayer ($600 for married couples).

  • Increase in percentage of deductible giving for those who itemize:

Individuals who itemize may deduct 100% of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) for cash gifts to most public charities. This is an increase over the previous limit of 60% of AGI. For corporations, the previous 10% limitation is increased to 25% of taxable income.

Gifts to donor advised funds (DAFs) are not not eligible for either provision described above.


Leadership Circle – $25K+

  • Your name on a plaque outside the chapel honoring our major benefactors
  • A commemorative St. Joseph statuette 
  • Invitation to the reception before our dedication Mass for the new chapel
  • Personal updates from Fr. Charles on the progress of construction
  • A special “sneak peak” tour before we reopen to the public
  • Ten books of your choice from existing inventory
  • A three-year membership to our private Club Room

Director’s Circle – $10K+

  • Invitation to the reception before our dedication Mass for the new chapel
  • Personal updates from Fr. Charles on the progress of construction
  • A special “sneak peak” tour before we reopen to the public
  • Five books of your choice from existing inventory
  • A two-year membership to our private Club Room

Please contact Cindy Searcy at cindy.searcy@cicdc.org or (202) 783-2062 x 105 to discuss memorializing your contribution to the CIC through a naming gift.

The Catholic Information Center is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and charitable contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift and estate taxes. Our federal employee identification number is 52-1790727.

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